Thomas Wozniak

l i n k s
Children with:
Konegoda Sieroń

Stanley Wozniak
Mary Wozniak
Walter Wozniak
Anna Wozniak
Thomas Wozniak
  • Born: 28 XII 1888 r, Poland
  • Married to Konegoda Sieroń
  • Died: nn, Buffalo - USA
  • Reference: Residence: 1920 - city, Erie, New York, date of emigration - 1913


    I am trying to locate Wozniak family members, who are related to:

    Thomas Wozniak - born: 28 December 1888 - worked for the New York Central Railroad

    Kunnegunda (nee: Sieroń) Wozniak - born: 18 November 1888, Deceased: 4 December 1947 of Buffalo, New York. She had a sister Marianna Styczeń (nee:Sieroń) in Szewna. Matthew Mazur from Poznań - Poland is a great-grandson of Marianna Sieroń.

    Thomas and Kunnegunda (nee: Sieroń) Wozniak immigrated from the area of Krynki near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Opatów, Radom Province, Poland in 1913; and resided at 36 Gittere Street, Buffalo, Erie County, New York. (1920, 1930 and 1940 US Census)

    Thomas and Kunnegunda Wozniak had four (4) children:

    1) Walter Wozniak, Born: 24 August, 1914, Deceased: 19 November 2003 (age 89). Walter married a woman whose first name was "Sophie". Per the 1940 US Census, he was employed as a "Pressman".

    2) Stanley Wozniak, Born: 24 September 1915, Deceased: 18 April 1992 (age 77). Stanley served in the United States Army, as a Warrant Officer during World War II, and as a civilian was employed as a "Pressmen and plate printers, printing". (1940 US Census and 1941 USA Enlistment Record)

    3) Mary Wozniak, (based upon family letters written in 1947) - Born about: about 1917/18. Married about 1936. Mary and her husband had two children: Earlene - born about 1938 and Dennis - born in 1942.

    4) Ann Wozniak, Born about 1925. In 1947 she started her work as a teacher in a school about 25 miles from Buffalo. In 1947 she was single and she lived with her mother.

    I understand that there are hundreds, if not thousands of "Wozniak's" in the Buffalo Area, but am hopeful of locating someone who is related to Thomas and Kunnegunda. A family member in Poland has spent years putting together a wonderful (sensational) website, that includes the Wozniak family of Thomas and Kunnegunda Wozniak of Szewna - Ostrowiec and Buffalo, NY.

    If you know of your Wozniak family history, are related, and would like to know more about the family history and family members (many pictures!) in Poland, please respond, I will provide you a 'contact' family member!

    The Mazur / Wozniak website is:

    Kunnegunda Wozniak nee: Sieroń and Marianna Styczeń nee: Sieroń (both from the Krynki village near Ostrowiec Swiętokrzyski) were sisters. Maciej Mazur is the great-grandson of Marianna Sieroń

    I grew-up in the Buffalo area, and can picture Cheektowaga, Depew, and Orchard Park... you just got alot of snow! (I was living in Buffalo in 1977 - so I know all about Buffalo snow!) Anyway, We wish you all a Happy New Year, and am hopeful that I have managed to locate a Wozniak relative!

    Best of Holiday Regards,

    Trish George (USA)


    Matthew (Maciej) Mazur (Poland)


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